Tangya Green White Tea (Hubei, China)

Tangya White Tea First Grade, Hubei, China

It is a green Chinese tea from Hubei province, made from tea leaves picked from albino tea plants. That is, such plants, whose leaves, under certain conditions, become lighter in comparison with the leaves of common tea plants. The albino nature of the raw materials in this tea is reflected, firstly, in the name — bai, or white, here refers specifically to the raw materials, and not to the type of processing, by which the tea is green. Secondly, it manifests itself in the appearance of the steeped tea leaves — you can see rather light leaf blades with dark midribs clearly visible against their background.

The most important thing is that this albino character is very strongly manifested in the taste. Albinos tend to have more amino acids, less catechins and less caffeine — which is why green teas made from albinos are usually slightly sweeter and slightly less astringent than the vast majority of other green teas.

Tangya White Tea First Grade Brewing Chart

Tangya White Tea First Grade Gallery

Olga Nikandrova & Denis Shumakov. Teatips.info. 2021